Food Has the Power to Nourish…

Food has the power to nourish us as well as kill us. Ask anyone with food allergies – particularly anaphylactic (life-threatening) ones – and they can tell you they really understand the phrase “That which nourishes me, destroys me” (loose translation from the latin, “Quod me nutrit, me destruit”). We understand this very well as we both have READ MORE

Being Green

Unlike many other businesses, we have a green initiative. That initiative is to reduce the amount of waste we produce, reuse containers where/whenever possible and recycle all we can. Even our website is hosted through the Ontario-based arm of a company called GreenGeeks. Long story short, hosting with them allows us to have a carbon-negative footprint READ MORE

Making Learning Fun

Have you been cooking with your kids and when you ask them how much of something they put into the recipe they say, “I dunno” and/or “a little bit”? Well, this is the opportunity to trick them into learning some math skills without them knowing they’re learning. This is the teaching moment for them to gain READ MORE